Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Brain Twister

I have always been an open minded person, but sometimes my brain just says no. Like with death, I have come to the point in my life where i realize its going to be gone, pulled out like a rug from under my feet and there is absolutely nothing i can do to stop it.
But every once in a while, the thought that there are BILLIONS of other people out there right now swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, kissing on the Eiffel Tower, or falling down a flight of stairs. That really throws me for a loop. That someone is becoming motherless or fatherless or both as we speak. That I have the chance to stop their sadness, maybe not the orphans sadness because like i said before you don't come back from death. But i could console them or help the man who lost his job by putting in a good word. Or maybe that one dollar i donated to breast cancer research today will join millions of other little dollars and millions of men and women will live a longer life. this could ALL have been happening right as we speak. and it probably is. If i do something about it.